Monday, August 12, 2013

Sustainable Threads: One Night Stand Sleepwear

I had a one night stand with...

I have to be honest when I say I am a little disappointed in what is happening here in the United States in regards to fashion and textile sustainability. Perhaps I haven't been searching in the right places, or been talking with the right people but it has always been my hope that there would be a little more something right here for me. However, I have discovered that more of what I am craving in ethical and sustainable practices are being demanded around the world, with the strongest movements in both Australia and the UK. 

One such movement that has caught my attention over and over is the, oh so cleverly named, One Night Stand Sleepwear Collection. 

Not only does the project craft incredibly sassy sleepwear and pillow covers made and designed locally, each purchase directly funds projects to keep sleep off the streets.  

I was particularly drawn to One Night Stand as a project because of it's well rounded nature of integrity. Every piece of the company puzzle aims to create a positive social and environmental impact. They make choices that follow their mission to do good all around.

The collection its self originates with organic fabrics, each piece designed by local artists, manufacturers, and printers. Even each transaction is carried through community owned banks, keeping the money close, where it matters. 

Jamie Green, owner and founder, has had his fair share of rough nights sleep. After 6 months of sleeping on the floor of his failed cafe, the idea for One Night Stand began...

the crafting of products to sleep on, sleep in, and strip off
for a good cause

So here's to a few more sweet dreams (off the streets) in Australia tonight

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